Saturday, February 14, 2009


After a week of barely not being able to breathe because of my busy-ness I've finally reached Saturday, I can finally relax, and then.... I find I'm bored. It's so much easier to decide what to do with your life when it's all scheduled out in advance and when you have school and work commitments pressing so insistently down upon you that you don't even have time to think what you would do in a theoretical spare moment.

Things I theoretically could have done tonight if I had planned better:
-Gone to twYlight by Divine Comedy here at BYU. (Their tagline: What's the use of living forever if you live in Provo?) They're this hilarious comedy group down here at BYU (at least I think they're hilarious. I know Kevin has other ideas.) but sadly tickets to the performance this night sold out on Wednesday. When I saw the posters I wanted to buy tickets but I only rememberd at night time and then the opportunity had passed. Maybe sublimally I put off buying the tickets because I knew that were I to buy them, I would need to find someone to go with, thus leading us to our second item on this list...

-Gone on a date. I mean, it is Valentine's Day, c'mon. Isn't love supposed to be swirling in the air this time of year? Shouldn't some cute girl be out there whose night I would have made by making her my Valentine? Sadly these questions will never be answered.

-Gone snowshoeing, sledding, etcetera? I put a question mark on this one because seriously I don't know if this would have been possible even theoretically. There's something about getting older that makes me less and less willing to freeze myself out of doors. Still, snowshoeing would be fun to do sometime before Spring.

What I'll probably end up doing tonight (or have already done):

-Play Diablo II with my roomate Jon. Yea!!! death to the forces of evil!!!
-Watch James play his video game. (check.)
-Playing boardgames with some people in our apartment complex. I owe Jon the invite to this one.
-Go visit Brent and Anna. Holy cow, she is 7 1/2 months pregnant. Who knew? (Oh, interesting side note, Brent's sister Sarah is actually in Divine Comedy and is the girl pictured in the poster.)
-Blogging. (Check again.)
-Do laundry. (Another check mark next to this one too.)
-Eat Paula and Jame's food. Did I mention I'm currently at their house?
-Watch Stargate with Paula and James

Well, that is my life for the night. Hopefully next week will turn out a little more exciting :-)


  1. Cousin Trisha here: As one of your older and wiser cousins, I have to ask why you talk about a "cute girl" in the dating section. What's a cute girl anyway? Isn't there a smart and fun and sincere girl that would make a good date partner? You would certainly find that she was cute if you spent time with such a girl.

    Just my two cents.

  2. i liked the post. Totally get the busybusybusy then.... what? You should have seen Wendy and I the first two days in California - it was a pretty sad sight.

    I think you might have had a marginally better valentine's than me - but I don't know - IKEA, my friend Leslie's house, and hitting two parties.... :-)
